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Town in Spain sitting on the ledge of a cliff

Spanish Language 和 Culture in Cuenca, Spain

韦德体育app官网's two-week, faculty-led program in Spain. Students will experience Spanish culture firsth和 in the beautiful city of Cuenca, known for its rich history 和 cultural heritage. Living with host families 和 interacting with local students 和 faculty, students will rapidly improve their Spanish proficiency. The program includes a variety of cultural activities that complement the classroom experience, from cooking workshops to flamenco lessons 和 guided tours of the historical center. This class is offered as a Summer I course, with the first week on campus followed by two weeks abroad in Spain.

课程: SPN) 1150, SPN 2140, or SPN 2150, according to student's Spanish level (4 credits each). Each student earns four total credits.

计划日期: 2025年5月10日至25日

申请截止日期: 2月1日 


Mary Hartson, Associate Professor, Spanish (电子邮件保护)


Students will fly to Madrid 和 then travel together to Cuenca, Spain, a historic city known for its well-preserved medieval architecture 和 stunning hanging houses (卡萨斯colgadas) that are perched on the cliffs overlooking the Huécar River. 这个城市的老城区,一个 联合国教科文组织世界遗产, features cobblestone streets, Gothic churches 和 the impressive Cathedral of Santa María 和 San Julián.

Students will spend two weeks living in 和 exploring Cuenca. 在大学学习 真正的西班牙体验中心, students will have the opportunity to socialize 和 practice their Spanish with local peers. Excursions include a guided tour of the historical center, a visit to the 抽象艺术博物馆,以及一个烹饪工作坊. Students will also have the opportunity to experience flamenco lessons, 在河上划独木舟, 徒步旅行, 还有西班牙小吃之旅. The program offers a rich blend of educational 和 cultural activities that provide a comprehensive underst和ing of Spanish life 和 culture. 

要求: 平均成绩不低于3分.0是必需的. Students who do not meet the GPA requirement may still be eligible 和 should speak with OU’s 国际教育 Office prior to applying.

Ideally students will have already taken one Spanish semester of college-level Spanish for the equivalent before they go on this study abroad experience, but this can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

课程: Students will receive credit for one of the following courses, according to their prior Spanish level:

1150年SPN): (4学分) A second semester in the fundamentals of Spanish language 和 Hispanic cultures. This course is a continuation of SPN) 1140.

2140年SPN): (4学分) An intermediate course that continues the work of SPN) 1140SPN) 1150 with additional emphasis on cultural 和 literary readings.

2150年SPN): (4学分) An intermediate course that continues the work of SPN 2140 with additional emphasis on cultural 和 literary readings for students with significant experience in Spanish.

Classes will be conducted in Spanish 和 will be held at the True Spanish Experience Center in Cuenca. Credits count toward the major, minor or modified major in Spanish. The class is offered as a Summer I course, with the first week on campus followed by two weeks abroad in Spain.

Each student earns four total credits.

While in Spain, students will live with a host family. Placements are made with your preferences taken into consideration, 和 every effort is made to meet special dietary requirements. Each student will have a private room. Homestays are located throughout Cuenca within walking distance of the True Spanish Experience Center 和 the city center, 和 include three meals per day with the family 和 light laundry.

学费: 4个学分

You will be charged for these credits on your eBill at your normal rate of tuition.

项目费用: $2,600

To be paid to OU on our MarketPlace payment system 和 includes: housing 和 most meals, ground transportation 和 all excursions while in Spain, 还有健康保险

  • 额外费用: $2,025

You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by the 项目费用. 数额是估计的.

  • 机票: $1,600
  • 个人杂费: $200
  • 食物: $200
  • 护照(如果您没有护照): $175

奖学金和经济援助: You are able to use financial aid to cover your full cost of attendance to this program (tuition, 项目费用, 以及额外费用). Scholarships are also available through your study abroad application.


(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843